How to Launch a Product as a Product Manager: INDMoney-MiniSave Feature

Product Launch | GTM


Launching a product is one of the most important duties of a product manager, so it’s no surprise that interviewers often ask how you would do it. Here is a structured approach that you can use to answer these questions:

1. The Product

  • Vision: Discuss the vision of the product, along with its strengths, weaknesses, and risks. What does the product ultimately hope to achieve? What is its target market?
  • Strengths: What are the key strengths of the product? What makes it unique and valuable to users?
  • Weaknesses: What are the key weaknesses of the product? What areas need improvement?
  • Risks: What are the potential risks associated with launching the product? How will you mitigate these risks?
  • Competition: Who are the product’s competitors? How is it positioned against them?

2. Launch Goals

  • What are the goals of the launch? Do you want to attract as many users as possible? Ensure profitability upfront? Validate that the product meets the market’s needs? Generate positive feedback?
  • Prioritize your goals. Not all launch goals are created equal. Decide which goals are most important to you and focus your efforts on achieving those.

3. Launch Design

  • Target market: Which market will you target first? Will you launch to a specific city, region, or demographic?
  • Market entry strategy: How will you enter the market? Will you launch through an invitation system? Roll out a limited version of the product? Make a big splash and try to attract as many users as possible?
  • Launch channels: What channels will you use to launch the product? Will you launch through your website, the App Store, Google Play, or other channels?
  • Launch timeline: When will you launch the product? Will you have a private beta first? Will you require invitations?

4. Launch Implementation

  • Pre-launch tasks: What tasks need to be completed before the launch? This may include developing marketing materials, training sales reps, and building partnerships.
  • Launch tasks: What tasks need to be completed on the day of the launch? This may include monitoring website traffic, responding to customer inquiries, and fixing any bugs that are discovered.
  • Post-launch tasks: What tasks need to be completed after the launch? This may include collecting feedback from users, analyzing launch data, and making improvements to the product.

5. Launch Considerations

  • Target market: Who is your target market? What are their needs and wants? How can you reach them?
  • User types/components: Are there different types of users for your product? If so, how will you launch to each group?
  • MVP or full product: Will you launch an early minimum-viable product (MVP), or will you wait until the product is fully featured?
  • Distribution: Where will you sell your product? What stores and sales channels will you use?
  • Rollout: How will you roll out the product? Will you start with a private beta? Require invitations?
  • Buzz: How will you generate buzz around your product? Who will you reach out to? What do you want them to say?
  • Partnerships: Are there any partnerships that could help you achieve your launch goals?
  • Risks: What are the risks associated with launching your product? How can you mitigate these risks?

How would you launch INDmoney’s new feature- MiniSave?

By considering all of these factors, you can develop a launch plan that will help you achieve your desired results.

Here are some additional tips for launching a product:

  • Start planning early. The earlier you start planning your launch, the more time you’ll have to execute it flawlessly.
  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Focus on achieving a few key goals and then build on your success.
  • Be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan, so be prepared to adjust your launch strategy as needed.
  • Measure your results. It’s important to track your progress and measure your results so that you can learn from your mistakes and improve your future launches.

Launching a product is a challenging but rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

Here is a possible approach to launching INDmoney’s new feature, Mini Save:

1. The Product

  • Vision: Mini Save is a new feature that allows users to save money from their everyday spending. It works by automatically rounding up spare change from each purchase and transferring it to a savings account.
  • Strengths: Mini Save is a convenient and easy way to save money. It is also a good way to save money without even having to think about it.
  • Weaknesses: Mini Save may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who are already struggling to make ends meet.
  • Risks: One potential risk is that users may forget about their Mini Save savings and end up overspending. Another risk is that users may not be able to withdraw their savings easily if they need to.
  • Competition: There are a number of other apps and services that offer similar features to Mini Save. However, Mini Save is integrated with the INDmoney app, which gives it a competitive advantage.

2. Launch Goals

  • Attract new users: One goal of the launch is to attract new users to the INDmoney app. Mini Save is a unique and valuable feature that could appeal to a wide range of users.
  • Increase engagement: Another goal of the launch is to increase engagement among existing INDmoney users. Mini Save is a way to make the INDmoney app even more useful and convenient for users.
  • Boost revenue: Mini Save could also help to boost INDmoney’s revenue. The company could charge a small fee for using the feature, or it could use the feature to generate more leads for its other financial products and services.

3. Launch Design

  • Target market: The target market for Mini Save is anyone who wants to save money easily and conveniently. This includes students, young professionals, and families.
  • Market entry strategy: INDmoney could launch Mini Save to all users at once. However, it may be more effective to launch it to a smaller group of users first, such as beta testers or early adopters. This would give INDmoney time to collect feedback and make improvements before launching the feature to the general public.
  • Launch channels: Mini Save could be launched through the INDmoney app and website. INDmoney could also promote the feature through social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Launch timeline: INDmoney could launch Mini Save within a few months of completing development. This would give INDmoney time to market the feature and generate buzz.

4. Launch Implementation

  • Pre-launch tasks: INDmoney will need to develop marketing materials, train customer support staff, and test the Mini Save feature thoroughly before launching it to the public.
  • Launch tasks: On the day of the launch, INDmoney will need to monitor the Mini Save feature to ensure that it is working properly. INDmoney will also need to respond to customer inquiries and fix any bugs that are discovered.
  • Post-launch tasks: After the launch, INDmoney will need to collect feedback from users and analyze launch data. This will help INDmoney to identify areas for improvement and make Mini Save even better.

5. Launch Considerations

  • Target market: INDmoney will need to make sure that it is targeting the right market with Mini Save. The company should focus on promoting the feature to people who are interested in saving money easily and conveniently.
  • User experience: INDmoney needs to make sure that the Mini Save feature is easy to use and convenient for users. The company should also make it easy for users to withdraw their savings if they need to.
  • Customer support: INDmoney needs to be prepared to provide customer support for the Mini Save feature. This may include answering questions about how the feature works and helping users to troubleshoot any problems.
  • Risk mitigation: INDmoney needs to take steps to mitigate the risks associated with the Mini Save feature. For example, the company could implement a daily withdrawal limit to prevent users from overspending.

By carefully considering all of these factors, INDmoney can develop a launch plan that will help to ensure the success of its new Mini Save feature.

Here is a possible approach to implementing the product launch checklist for INDmoney’s new Mini Save feature:


  • Feature definition: Create a product requirements document (PRD) that clearly defines the features and functionality of Mini Save. The PRD should also include prioritization and sizing information.
  • UX/UI design: Conduct user research to understand how users want to interact with Mini Save. Create wireframes and mockups to visualize the user experience and user interface.
  • Engineering: Work with the engineering team to develop a plan for building the key features of Mini Save. The plan should include a timeline and budget.

Alternative Checklist

QA and Operations

  • QA: Develop a test plan for Mini Save to ensure that it meets all requirements and is free of bugs.
  • Operations: Work with the operations team to develop a plan for deploying Mini Save to production.


  • Launch date: Set a launch date for Mini Save and communicate it to stakeholders.
  • Pricing and packaging: Determine the pricing for Mini Save and how it will be bundled or presented to customers.
  • Positioning: Draft a positioning document that clearly articulates the value of Mini Save to customers.
  • Communications plan: Develop a communications plan for announcing the launch of Mini Save to both internal and external audiences.
  • Marketing content: Create marketing content for the launch of Mini Save, such as blog posts, email campaigns, and landing pages.
  • Social media: Prepare social media content to announce and promote the launch of Mini Save.
  • Media relations: Reach out to media outlets to generate coverage of the launch of Mini Save.
  • Analyst briefings: Brief industry analysts and other influential personnel on the features and benefits of Mini Save.


  • Infrastructure: Make necessary changes to internal monitoring systems to track the performance of Mini Save.
  • Billing: Update existing billing options and functionality to accommodate Mini Save.
  • Finance: Update key financial systems to track metrics associated with Mini Save.

Sales and Support

  • Documentation: Complete and approve all product documentation for Mini Save, including release notes, help and troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and technical data sheets.
  • Sales strategy and training: Conduct training and enablement for sales reps on Mini Save. Create sales collateral and update existing materials to include information about Mini Save.
  • Customer success: Train customer success and service teams on the new Mini Save functionality and provide them with necessary technical support materials.
  • Partners: Update and enable partners and affiliates to help communicate and promote the launch of Mini Save.


  • Review: Gather the team to discuss what was learned from the launch of Mini Save and how the process could be improved next time.
  • Follow up: Identify and submit bugs for engineering attention. Survey users for their feedback on Mini Save. Solicit testimonials or success stories from customers.


On the basis of Product Success and goals, decide the appropriate metrics and its success criterias.

By following these steps, INDmoney can ensure that its launch of Mini Save is successful.

